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  • expertpanel@derivecare.co.uk
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About us

About Us

A lending hand can make a tremendous difference, in fact, it can move mountains. Derive Care specializes in the art of giving support and care to individuals undergoing medical situations or other conditions that demand for a helping hand. Through specially trained and qualified caregivers, we derive the sort of care that is about making a difference.

Derive Care brings home - and to other healthcare establishments - the kind of support that’ll aid you in bypassing all your daily needs. Quality care delivered at both home and institutions is a pivotal practice that is needed to sustain the quality of life. By providing value-added personalized care services to our customers, we are rooting for the kind of change that’ll tune the beat of your life.

Derive Care believes firmly that a smiling face can bring in a lot of positivity to the world. Our caregivers are trained to make sure that the smile on our customers’ face prevails. Through detailed care and attention, medical aid and other practices, our team will make sure that you get to live your happy life throughout, forever. Through a blend of medical practice, assistive technology and totally professional services, at Derive Care, we are in the art of making our customers feel better. At every moment.


To provide value care for every individual in order to improve the quality of their life.


To stretch beyond all barriers possible with the idea of caregiving to enhance the quality of life.


The kind of care that’ll make your life better. Much Better

Let's start with the best solution

Our idea is to enhance the quality of life through our service. Whether it be in your own home, or within a care environment, a lending hand is what we expertise exceptionally in

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#Our Testimonials

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